McCombical Mysteries Lecture
Author/Originator: Billy McComb
Product ID: e846
PDF Price: $3.00
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In the introduction to this set of lecture notes from the early 1970s, Bill McComb reveals what he considers to be "The True Secret of Magic." There are also ten comedy magic effects covered (in varying degrees of detail), including The Seven-Cornered Hanky, Torn and Restored Airmail Letter, Uncle's "Will" Slates, an overview of his Card in Cigarette handling (you'll love the deck switch), and The Five Rings of William (in addition to his "notes," we've added the original instructions for his signature Linking Ring routine from 1947). And finally, perhaps most important of all, these notes offer insight into Billy McComb's thinking and the way he routined his unique brand of comedy magic to maximize its entertainment value. 26 pages, re-typeset.
Also available...Billy McComb's Impossible Card Divination.
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