Impossible Card Divination
Author/Originator: Billy McComb
Product ID: e792
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This knock out mental card effect was part of Billy McComb's cruise ship repertoire! You introduce a brand new pack of cards, handing it to a spectator to break the seal and thoroughly shuffle. Afterward, you bestow another spectator with a sealed envelope to inspect and place in their pocket. Getting more of the audience involved, you now select a third spectator to deal seven cards from the shuffled pack onto the hand of a person seated nearby. This person now looks at the faces of the dealt cards. You ask him to scan the cards he sees, explaining one will stand out to him. Standing back, you concentrate for a moment and then snap your fingers, naming the card. The spectator confirms you are correct and discards the card. Again, you name a card, and again he corroborates your statement and removes it. This is repeated in succession until only a single card remains. You now ask the person holding the envelope to open it and remove the card inside. It matches the spectator's final card but has a different color back! You take both cards and hold them up triumphantly cuing well-deserved applause! The Impossible Card Divination, also known as the Cabaret Card Divination, plays well under the most challenging conditions – working surrounded at floor level! So it’s ideal for luncheon shows and banquets, business meetings, supper and nite clubs, resorts, cruise ships, private parties, etc. No sleights, easy to do. New, 7-page photo-illustrated instructions detail Billy McComb's brilliant handling and presentation.
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