Marlo Meets His Match

Marlo Meets His Match

Author/Originator: Ed Marlo
Product ID: e849

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Ed Marlo published his six original "Matcho" methods in 1945. In the years that followed he continued to build on, and refine his approach, culminating in this expanded treatise in 1959. Here's the basic "Matcho" effect: Using a red and a blue deck, the performer has one of them chosen. The chosen pack is handed to a spectator to look at a card. The card is buried back into the center. The second pack is now taken out and a second spectator merely asked to think of a card, then remove it from the pack. However, before he thinks of one, the performer places a card face down on the table. The thought of card is now placed above the performer’s card. The performer removes a second card and places it alongside the first one. Now the first spectator removes his card and places it alongside the second spectator’s card. When the cards are turned up, as impossible as it seems - they all match! Matcho! Marlo gives you two dozen clever, one and two-deck Matchos. Most are nearly self-working and can be done with regular cards; however some call for a sleight, or gaffs, or a set-up. 31 pages, illustrated, re-typeset.

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