Marlo Magic Seven Magical 7

The Magic Seven

Author/Originator: Ed Marlo
Product ID: e540

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You've always been told to "never repeat a trick." Well, sometimes rules are made to be broken...especially when you're a card magic legend. Perhaps that's why, Ed Marlo's "The Magic Seven" routine is so prized amongst top card men. An effect that begins with a selected card being placed face up into the top portion of the deck, which has also been turned face up. The deck is then "magically squeezed" so the spectator's card is forced to travel invisibly through the deck until it stops in the "magical" 7th position in the face down lower part of the deck. The selected card travels to the 7th position not just once, but FOUR TIMES with the mystery growing more confounding each time. For the climax, the selected card appears in the magical 7th position while the cards are in the spectator's own hands. Marlo's "The Magic Seven" is a lesson in card artistry and masterly repetition. Even so, most magicians with sound basic to intermediate card handling skills will find little difficulty mastering this well-routined gem. As a special bonus, Marlo even provides optional opening and climax phases - extending the routine to seven magical phases! You would be hard-pressed to find a more impressive sequence to demonstrate your awesome card handling abilities. Completely re-typeset, 20 pages, 36 illustrations.

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