Marlo's Deck Deception
Author/Originator: Ed Marlo
Product ID: e230
PDF Price: $4.00
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A new addition to our Early Marlo Series, Deck Deception is loaded with 11 great Marlo card tricks and moves you'll have fun learning and performing. 23 pages, re-typeset with larger easier-to-read text and Gordon M. Howatt illustrations.
Contents include:
- Casanova Card Trick
- Marlo's Double Vanish and Recovery
- Torn Deck Mystery
- A Good Number
- Number Transpo
- Marlo's Running Cut: a beautiful flourish
- Marlo's System of Cull & Stock Shuffles
- The Spy
- Divining Hanky
- Marlo's Card to Card Case
- The Magical Gambler (Buckle Count)
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