Mardo Cups and Balls
Author/Originator: Senor Mardo
Product ID: e114
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In this hard-to-find booklet, Senor Mardo analyzes the manipulation, routining and presentation of the Cups and Balls. Written from the perspective of a working professional, Mardo breaks down all of the essential moves - from the only eight ways to palm a ball to passes, steals, loading and much more. Plus, he even gives you routines with one, two and three cups; as well as an impromptu presentation with three tumblers that Senor Mardo used to save a nite club engagement when his baggage failed to arrive in time for the show. Finally, Mardo gives you basic handling for The Homing Ball (Ball and Cardboard Cone), The Shell Game, Sponge Balls, and Chinese Marvels. An entertaining and informative read and terrific resource for anyone who performs Cups and Balls, Chop Cup, Benson Bowl Routine, Sponge Balls, etc. 34 pages, completely re-typeset and lightly edited with over two dozen excellent line drawings by the author.
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