Over 40 Ways to Make Magic Pay
Author/Originator: Tommy Windsor/Trickshop.com
Product ID: e112
PDF Price: $4.00
(or just $2.80 when you buy 3 or more titles)
A must-have resource for the working magician! The opportunities for the enterprising magician have never been greater. In this new revised and updated edition of Tommy Windsor's classic booklet, you'll find over 40 proven ways to profit from your magic. Plus, we've eliminated the irrelevant and out-of-date suggestions, while expanding on the important ones with current information. We've also provided loads of helpful tips and Internet resources; as well as added important markets that have emerged since Tommy wrote his original reference guide.
- Private Parties
- School Shows
- Restaurants
- Comedy Clubs
- College Campuses
- Library and Museum Shows
- Corporate Events
- Trade Shows
- Cruise Ships
- Theme Parks
- Shopping Malls
- And more!
For your convenience, all of the web links are clickable in the PDF. 22 information-packed pages worth far more than the price!
Also see Bob Nelson's Making Mindreading Pay.
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