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Take a small rubber band and tie a knot in the middle, making two small loops. To one of these fasten a small black safety pin and insert the end of the wand in the other. Fasten the pin under the coat on the right-hand side near the armpit in such a way that the lower end of the wand is just above the edge of the coat. To produce it, you pretend that you have forgotten to bring it but that, as you are powerless without it, you will make it come to you. “You will see it appear,” you say, “either on this side”—and you swing out your left arm to full length, looking at it yourself—“or on this”—and you rapidly extend the right arm to the right, showing the wand. At the moment the left arm is stretched out you seize the end of the wand with the right hand, drew it out, and swing it into view as the arm reaches its fullest extension and as you turn to the right. By the time the spectators are looking in that direction the trick is done. It is a good plan to toss the wand into the air at once, making it revolve lengthwise several times and catching it again in the right hand.

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