Magic of the Mind
Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e359
PDF Price: $4.00
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Over two dozen Eddie Joseph mental miracles, many with complete presentations and patter. Material includes two practical and inexpensive impression pad methods that don't require carbon paper, Eddie Joseph's own Billet Switch, his One-Man Mindreading Act, The Three Objects (Three Article Test), The Spirit That Writes His Own Name (the name written on a slate or large pad by one spectator appears on a previously shown blank piece of paper held by another spectator and you have no idea what that name is until it appears!), a Pseudo Psychometry routine, Planetary Influence - a thought reading by telephone effect that doesn't involve playing cards, and much more. Brilliant, direct methods combined with powerful Eddie Joseph presentations. 47 big pages, illustrated, completely re-typeset.
"I have always been a Eddie Joseph fan ever since I purchased a copy of Bombay back in the 70's. It is a true delight to see these long forgotten manuscripts of Eddie Joseph brought to the attention of the magic community. I just downloaded "Magic of the Mind." There are so many hidden gems in this manuscript. Pay close attention to the little details - a hall mark of Eddie Joseph - these can be used in other routines you perform. The very first effect Mental Image takes an old chestnut and turns it inside out. I had to smile as a read the revised method. Don't overlook the tid bit at the end of the method - he uses this effect as a mailer to prospective clients and works it over the phone. Simple and diabolical."
- Mr Phil Reda, United States
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