Magic Clip Art Collection
Author/Originator: Tommy Windsor
Product ID: e724
PDF Price: $4.00
(or just $2.80 when you buy 3 or more titles)
Promote your magic act in style with this incredible collection of over four dozen, B&W clip art illustrations by top magic artists, like Nelson Hahne, Sid Lorraine, and others. Use these magic illustrations to create posters, brochures, flyers, stationery, and more. Originally published by Tommy Windsor as a printed book that required you to "cut and paste" the drawings into a layout, we've digitized this wonderful artwork and supply high resolution files you can use for your printed matter and lower resolution files that work best for the web. 13-page ebook with artwork plus three folders with the same art at 72, 300 and 600 dpi. This is a big download: 20.43 MB.
NOTE: This artwork is great for promoting magic club shows, too!
Also see Tommy Windsor's Super Market Magic, Street Faker Act, Suitcase Sideshow, and The Real Svengali Pitch.
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