The Card Detective's Perfect Poker Deal
Author/Originator: Mickey MacDougall
Product ID: e372
PDF Price: $4.00
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Prominent card man and gambling expert Mickey MacDougall's own "Perfect Poker Deal." No deck switches, no false shuffles or cuts. In fact, there are no sleights whatsoever. From a riffle shuffled deck, you openly remove the high value cards. Without any false moves, four sets of poker hands are now dealt four times. Each time, although every hand is “bet-able,” you always deal yourself the winning hand! The deck is then given several more genuine riffle shuffles, and then cut by a spectator; who is given an opportunity to try his own hand at dealing the cards with less than satisfactory results. For the climax, you take the remaining cards, cut the deck and proceed to deal yourself a Straight Flush— a startling end to a highly convincing and fast-paced demonstration of professional card control. Our new illustrated instructions walk you step-by-step through this easy-to-learn, reputation-building routine. In addition, at the end of this manuscript, we've reproduced a small, 4-panel brochure MacDougall used to market his club appearances. 15 pages.
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