Novel Magic

Novel Magic

Author/Originator: Lu-Brent
Product ID: e360

PDF Price: $4.00
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"Novel Magic" was the legendary Lu-Brent's first book and it lives up to its title. It contains two dozen novel effects, many with clever twists. Highlights include Lu-Brent's famous Torn Magazine Cover, Coin Thru Cut and Restored Handkerchief, a seemingly impossible transposition of a tumbler with a silk from one paper bag to another (Here, Bango! There!), The Surprise Reverse Card and Cigarette - a terrific method for the torn corner dodge where all of the pieces (except the missing corner) are restored while held by a spectator, Oh! My Hat! - a 100% practical glass thru hat you can perform impromptu, a matchbox monte routine (He Watches the Matches), The Flighty Cigar Band - after removing the band from your lit cigar and burning or otherwise vanishing it - it magically reappears on the cigar, a Passe Passe cigarette pack and box of matches, and more from one of magic's cleverest innovators. Completely re-typeset from the 1946 second edition, well illustrated, re-formatted for output to your 8.5 x 11 or A4 printer, 36 big pages.

Other Lu-Brent publications available from and Restored Magazine Cover and Collected Card Mysteries.

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