Line-Up - Jack Yates


Author/Originator: Jack Yates
Product ID: e743

PDF Price: $4.00
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Jack Yates' Line-Up is a genuine mental card miracle with a borrowed pack of cards. After a spectator thoroughly shuffles a borrowed deck and removes a dozen or so cards, a number of spectators (up to the amount of cards) each select and remove a card from the packet. These are gathered up along with any unchosen cards in the packet and returned to you. Without looking at the packet, you shuffle it a couple of times. You then take the first card in hand and without looking at it, run your finger underneath it and "feel for vibrations." This card is now either rejected and tossed away, or handed to one of the participants - who confirms it is their card. This process is repeated until all but one of the selections have been successfully returned and the rejected cards litter the table or floor. As you begin to prematurely take your bow, a chorus from the audience bellows out that you that you forgot someone. You now turn to this person and after a moment of concentration, slowly describe the card they chose - a fitting climax to this sensational mental demonstration. Use as a feature effect for club or stage, or hold it in reserve as an encore or near perfect impromptu effect for private parties and other gatherings. Clean and easy to do, once you know Jack Yates' devious method. New instructions, 7-pages with cover.

Consider these key points:

  • Works with a borrowed pack
  • Nothing is written down
  • No shills
  • No prepared or pre-arranged decks
  • No extra cards
  • No marks

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