A Lesson in Card Magic

A Lesson in Card Magic

Author/Originator: Jack Shepherd
Product ID: e841

PDF Price: $4.00
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This newly revised manuscript details Jack Shepherd's four-phase stand-up comedy card routine, first published in 1946. In it, the magician apparently takes a volunteer into his confidence to teach him four good card tricks he can perform. While all of the tricks work, the magician’s explanations each time leave his conscripted apprentice (and the audience) more mystified than ever. Laughter and amazement continue to build until the end – when replicating the magician’s trick, the spectator fans out the deck and has the magician take and return a card. As impossible as it seems, the card vanishes from the deck while the helper is holding it and reappears in his own pocket! Shepherd’s tone is perfect and his tongue-in-cheek patter is just as funny today (though it may need some minor tweaking to suit your own manner of speech). Seven to ten minutes of solid laughs and entertainment with just two decks of cards and a butter knife! Ideal for clubs, banquets, etc. 8 pages with cover.

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