George Anderson's Lecture Notebook

George Anderson's Lecture Notebook

Author/Originator: George Anderson
Product ID: e787

PDF Price: $3.00
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George Anderson shares his considerable experience and approach to entertaining with mentalism. More than just a set of lecture notes for those who were present, this "notebook" is filled with candid advice, presentation ideas, tips and information, as well as complete effects - all clearly explained. Effects include Anderson's sensational Bank Night presentation, direct Book Test methodology, Pseudo Psychometry routine, a Pendulum test, several Contact Mindreading feats, and much more. Plus, as a special bonus, we've included Anderson's "A Trick for Eddie Clever," which was originally sold as part of a fundraiser for Eddie Clever after he developed MS in the late 40s. The effect is a stand-up "Think-a-Card" effect with three spectators using a borrowed, shuffled deck. 31 pages, re-typeset.

Also see Anderson's It Must Be Mindreading and Let the Audience Do the Show, as well as Al Koran's Lecture Notes.

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