Knave - Improved Three Jack Deal
Author/Originator: Walter Gibson/Trickshop.com
Product ID: e310
PDF Price: $4.00
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Prove to your audience that you're a dangerous man (or woman) with a deck of cards by repeatedly dealing three jacks into the same hand. To your audience, it looks like an undetectable Second Deal. You then move onto dealing five card hands, first a couple of full houses, then a hand with four aces, and finally for the big kicker...a Royal Flush. Plus get this, the entire routine is a breeze to learn. In fact, you'll master the handling in minutes. There isn't one difficult move - just a simple set-up. No memorization or special cards, and it works with any deck, even a borrowed one. So the next time someone says they wouldn't like to play cards with you, prove they're right! Six pages.
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