Tony Kardyro - Stranger Card - Welcome Stranger

Welcome Stranger

Author/Originator: Tony Kardyro
Product ID: e890

PDF Price: $3.00
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Discover over a dozen incredible tricks and ideas with a Stranger card! Gene Gordon urged Tony Kardyro to publish this manuscript in 1961 after he wowed the boys in his Buffalo New York magic shop with this material. See how carrying a couple of stranger cards in your pocket will enable you to do miracles with a borrowed pack. No knuckle-busting moves, just a few basic sleights, like the Hindu Shuffle, accomplish everything. 17 pages, re-typeset.

Other Tony Kardyro titles we publish...The Routine Supreme, T. K.’s Card Change Supreme and Card Change Supreme Effects, Close-up Deceptions, Kardyro's Kard Konjuring, and Your Deck - Your Card - effects with a borrowed deck, and T. K.'s Simple Simon Move and Effects (The Hofzinser Force).

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