The Astral Diviner

The Astral Diviner

Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e635

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Another Eddie Joseph mental card miracle. Imagine introduce a pack of cards and drop it on the table. Next, you hand a slip of paper and pencil to a spectator and request him to merely think of a card and jot it down, then fold the slip, and drop it on the table. After suitable byplay, you ask your helper to concentrate on his card. You now seemingly zero in on his thoughts and remove a single card from the deck. This is placed face down on the table in front of him and he is asked to place his hand on top of it. Picking up the slip of paper, you read the name of the card he was thinking of and ask him to turn over the card his hand is covering...IT IS THE SAME CARD!

Now consider these key points...

  • At no time do you have anything palmed in your hand.
  • You start and end with empty hands.
  • Every maneuver in this effect is slow and deliberate.
  • At no time do you appear to touch the spectator's slip.

We supply Eddie Joseph's original handling in PDF format. 4-page PDF.

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