James Reneaux Lecture Notes
Author/Originator: James Reneaux
Product ID: e860
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These notes from James Reneaux's 1953 Lecture before the famed Magicians’ Guild in New York City detail one of his pet card effects - a true think-a-card miracle with a borrowed, shuffled deck, where the magician never touches the cards until the end and then it’s only to remove the thought-of card! No fishing, no mirrors or shiners, no sleights, and nothing is written down. From the spectator's perspective, all he does is look at any card he likes, concentrates on it, and then, as impossible as it seems, you read his mind. Well, that's the effect you will achieve if you simply follow Reneaux's brilliantly constructed handling and presentation. Now, that's not the only gem in these notes, but it's certainly the crown jewel. And it's a trick we're sure you'll use! Other material includes a Flash Opener with the production of a large ball followed by a glass of liquid that vanishes in a flash, Horning in on the Act - a trick with silks and a party horn, The Magic Pill - a very funny and surprising idea for the Lota Bowl and a borrowed hat, A New Slant on the Rice Bowls - a clever twist on this classic effect with an entertaining patter story, The Goofer Balls - a creative presentation for some billiard ball and silk manipulation including a striking move where a previously vanished silk seemingly materializes in a clear glass when it is thrown into the air, the Card in Envelope, an Impromptu Half Dollar Vanish (coin vanish in trouser fold), and more. 17 pages with cover, re-typeset, 9 Frank Garcia line drawings.
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