The Invisible Pass - Fred Braue

The Invisible Pass (Braue)

Author/Originator: Jean Hugard and Fred Braue
Product ID: e782

PDF Price: $4.00
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Precise instructions and 14 crystal clear drawings teach you The Invisible Pass as perfected by Fred Braue in the mid-1940s. Once mastered, it enables you to perform the Pass without cover or misdirection, right under the spectators' noses. And while it does take practice, it is easier to acquire than the classic Pass, and well worth the effort it takes to master it. Introduction by Paul Rosini who considered it the finest Pass he had ever seen. 18 pages, illustrated, re-typeset.

More Hugard and Braue material, and other Jean Hugard card titles...Miracle Methods with Prepared Cards and Accessories, Miracle Methods - Stripper Deck, Miracle Methods - Miracle Shuffles and Tricks, Miracle Methods - Tricks and Sleights, Mental Magic with Cards, Royal Road to Card Magic, and Encyclopedia of Card Tricks.

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