Seeking Parity
Author/Originator: Bob Hummer
Product ID: e562
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Eight effects based upon Bob Hummer's devious Parity Principle. "Seeking Parity" includes all of the material from the now scarce Bob Hummer pamphlet, "Face-up, Face-down Mysteries," published in 1946: Hummer's 18-Card Mystery, Hummer's Swindle, The Lonely Card, and The Little Moonies. Plus, Hummerdinger, Facing the Queens, Bob Hummer's Personality Test (a great opener), and complete instructions for Oscar Weigle's brilliant Color Scheme - a color-divination effect that's all done in the spectator's own hands including several variations in effect and presentation! 14 pages.
For more mind boggling Bob Hummer effects, see our Robert Hummer Magic section.
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