Homing Card

Homing Card

Author/Originator: Kaps, Braue et al
Product ID: e16

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Now available as an eManuscript, Homing Card was one of Fred Kaps' signature effects and a trick that seemed tailor made to showcase his natural acting abilities. In this publication, we give you Fred Kaps general presentation along with a streamlined handling; where just two fairly easy moves accomplish everything. In case you're not familiar with the effect, here it is. The performer humbly explains he has "always envied magicians who can manipulate 52 cards," and so he's been practicing and is "already up to five cards!" He shows these - four of the cards are spot cards and the fifth is a Queen of the opposite color. The performer discards the court card, only to have it reappear in the packet. As the routine progresses, the performer becomes increasingly perplexed by his inability to discard the Queen. This is repeated until the performer is left with a single card, which changes from a spot card into the elusive Queen a moment later. No special, gaffed cards are required (only regular playing cards are used). 9 pages.

As a special BONUS, in addition to our handling, we will also include a 5-page manuscript with Frederick Braue's original handling for the effect, including the two false counts he used.

Also available, Edward Victor's Eleven Card Trick - Methods for Miracles No. 6.

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