Gypsy Thread Trick
Author/Originator: Marconick et al
Product ID: e91
PDF Price: $4.00
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The Gypsy Thread (also called The Hindu Thread Trick), as it is also known, is one of the most beautiful and mystifying effects in close-up magic. Like almost all classics, the effect is simple, direct and magical. A long length of thread is unraveled and broken off a spool. The spool is set aside and your hands, apart from the piece of thread, are seen to be unmistakably empty. Slowly and deliberately, you now proceed to break this long piece of thread into many smaller pieces. You continue until you are left with one small strand. Gathering up all of the broken pieces, you roll them into a small ball; which you place against the remaining strand. The ball of broken pieces clings to the center of the strand. You now slowly pull the ends of the strand apart and the ball gradually unravels until you are holding a single, long length of thread again. The fact that all of the magic happens at the your fingertips makes the effect seem all the more impossible.
In this PDF from, we are pleased to bring you the real work on this classic effect - from information on the right type of thread to use to over a dozen large, crystal clear color photos that walk you step-by-step through the proper set-up and handling. 8-page PDF download (use your own thread).
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