Hewitt's Modern Mindreader
Author/Originator: Ted Annemann
Product ID: e127
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Uncanny thought reading without clipboards, billet work, center tears or assistants. Some of the most extraordinary moments in a mentalism performance are facilitated by "pre-show work." In other words, the secret acquisition of certain information about audience members that you are then able to reveal using your acting and showmanship abilities. Nothing comes closer to creating the impression of genuine thought reading.
Consider now, the power of being able to obtain this information without assistants, clipboards, or the like. That's right, no impression devices, no chemicals or liquids, no billet work, no center tears, no electronic aids - just a handful of blank business cards, envelopes and some small pencils. Before your performance, you simply pass through the audience and hand out these cards and envelopes to selected individuals, including any VIPs present. On the cards, they are asked to jot down a few pieces of personal information - names of significant others, children, grandchildren, birthdates, recent or favorite vacation destinations, etc. You get the idea. Each card is then sealed into its envelope. The sealed envelopes are collected and returned to you. One-by-one, you are now able to dramatically reveal the contents of each envelope - describing various aspects of the person and his/her life with uncanny accuracy and vibrant detail using your cold reading skills.
That is the power of The Modern Mindreader by Hewitt, a routine published by Annemann more than 65 years ago; and one which remains a staple in the acts of many professional mentalists. In this release, we are pleased to bring you this true mentalism gem. An expanded description and nearly a dozen photos walk you step-by step through the handling; which includes a simple, new move that makes the routine even more practical for contemporary performance situations.
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