Robert A. Nelson's Hellstromism
Author/Originator: Robert Nelson
Product ID: e89
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Robert Nelson's authoritative treatise on the life and sensational mind reading feats of Axel Hellstrom. A man who baffled many of the brightest scientific and magical minds of his time by single handedly taking this ability to incredible, new heights - so much so in fact, that for many magicians his name remains synonymous with "Contact" and "Non-Contact" Mind Reading - "Hellstromism!" Nelson, the long-time professional mentalist and mentalism/magic dealer, was personally coached by Hellstrom before the celebrated mindreader's death and in this book; he painstakingly explains the inner workings of Hellstrom's miracles. Every phase is covered in detail - from choosing and working with subjects to suggested performance routines. You'll learn everything you need to know to begin developing your own abilities; as well as what is required to take your performance to the next level. This book is a truly informative and fascinating read; written by an expert who was sincere and passionate about the possibilities "Hellstromism" has to offer. 38 pages.
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