The Handkerchief Ball

The Handkerchief Ball

Author/Originator: Mitchell Kanter
Product ID: e657

PDF Price: $4.00
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Kanter's excellent manuscript on an indispensable magic accessory, The "Stillwell" Handkerchief Ball. This well-written manuscript walks you step-by-step through the proper technique for vanishing one silk or multiple silks, producing one or more silks, as well as how to show your hands empty on both sides. Plus, it covers how to make and use half-silks along with an overview of George Stillwell's famous silk production act - the inspiration for the modern silk act. As a bonus, we've also included instructions by Charles Koontz on how to make your own, easy-to-manipulate handkerchief ball using just a ping pong ball! 8 pages, re-typeset with 23 Harlan Tarbell illustrations.

Also available...The Original Stillwell Handkerchief Manipulation Act and 50 Methods of Producing a Silk (U.F. Grant).

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