UF Grant - Kard-U-Reka Card Effect


Author/Originator: UF Grant
Product ID: e600

PDF Price: $4.00
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One or more cards freely chosen from one deck by spectators, are duplicated from a second deck by performer. A long-time Kanter's best-seller!

THE CARD TRICK THAT BAFFLED THE WORLD’S GREATEST CARD MEN! A fantastic, sure-fire, self-working Card Miracle. Two regular packs are used. Spectators select either pack (no force); performer places other pack in his hip pocket. After riffling the cards to show they are all different, the deck is handed to a spectator who draws and retains a card behind his back; then passes the pack to the other helpers, who all do the same. The rest of this pack is replaced in its case and put in performer’s breast pocket. Performer now brings pack from his hip pocket, glances through it and withdraws the same number of cards selected. For the first time, spectators look at the cards they took from their pack. To their amazement, they are matched by the cards the performer holds – every card EXACTLY DUPLICATED. No skill, false moves or confederates required. No questions asked; no long/short or faked cards. No set-up to be memorized. Endorsed by Dai Vernon, Dr. Daley, Walter Gibson, Chang, Okito, and many others, this super-effect invented by that master of magical ingenuity, Gen Grant, turns a seeming impossibility into baffling reality! Good for card men, mentalists or anyone. It may be repeated. We supply new 6-page, photo-illustrated instructions only (use your own two regular decks, none supplied).

NOTE: This title is also included in The U.F. Grant File that puts over two dozen sought-after Grant pamphlets and manuscripts at your fingertips.

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