Staging a Professional Spook Show
(Ghost Book of Dark Secrets Plus)
Suppliers/Resources Section Just Updated (2021)!
Author/Originator: Robert Nelson/Wm. Larsen
Product ID: e174
PDF Price: $4.00
(or just $2.80 when you buy 3 or more titles)
Whether you are interested in just adding a few eerie "mediumistic" stunts to your magic, mentalism or hypnosis show for Halloween or plan on staging a seance, home spook party or even an hour-long, theatrical Ghost Show, you'll find a wealth of information in this publication from Trickshop.com. Originally published as "The Ghost Book of Dark Secrets," Robert A. Nelson shares all of the tricks of the ghost trade he acquired over his many decades in the field. He tells you what to do and even more importantly, what not to do. As a result, you'll save time and money in putting together your own money-making spook show program. Audiences love to be scared and their is nothing more frightening than the unseen forces of the supernatural!
Plus, as a special bonus...
This publication also includes Bill Larsen's “A Spook Show In Your Parlor” with 10 additional "blackout" stunts that will scare the bejeezus out of anyone, as well as a couple of classic spirit rope ties you can use. Finally, there's even a newly updated list of sources for various spook show supplies and resources! Keep in mind, there's always demand for a good spook show, so it can be booked year around! 40 pages.
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