Forcing Square Templates

Forcing Square Templates

Author/Originator: Melville Edward Stover
Product ID: e966

PDF Price: $4.00
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Force any number with Mel Stover's ingenious system and our customizable Adobe Acrobat templates that you can save and/or print to your U.S. 8.5" x 11" or A4 printer. Plus, the artwork can be reduced in size for close-up presentations or enlarged for stage work. In all cases, these vector-based templates will produce a clean, nicely typeset forcing square for use in your performances. No special software is required other than the Free Acrobat Reader (or higher) and you don't have to be a math wizard. We provide background information on the effect along with illustrated instructions that show how easy it is to build and use a square that will force any number you desire. 7 pages.

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