Can You Tell Fortunes?
Author/Originator: Victor Farelli
Product ID: e960
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This now rare pamphlet first published in 1949 explains but one effect, a pseudo-fortune telling routine wherein a chosen card eventually turns up at a certain number in a pack next to the subject's "lucky" card. Simple as this seems in cold print, it is most effective and convincing when the routine is performed, not as part of a magic act, but purely in response to a request "Can you tell fortunes?" As most close-up workers have discovered, this question arises time and time again. Here, then, is an excellent answer...an ingenious routine for any magician to have "up his sleeve" just for this occasion. It is based on a presentation devised by the Max Cadet, a French magician of repute, and anglicized with patter by Victor Farelli. Works with a borrowed pack. Re-typeset, 15 pages with larger, easier to read type.
Also see...Victor Farelli's Master Speller Routine and Controlled Coincidence card system.
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