Expert Manipulative Magic
Author/Originator: Charles C Eastman
Product ID: e78
PDF Price: $4.00
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Don't judge this book by its cover! This hard-to-find magic book is packed with some of the finest manipulative magic with cards, coins and balls ever conceived - all clearly explained by Eastman and beautfully illustrated by R.T. Kellom. Plus, there are over a dozen effects/moves by the legendary magician and trade show pioneer, Tommy Tucker, including the first publication of his now classic, "Six Card Repeat." If you're a magic purist, you're going to love this book! Completely re-typeset.
Contents include:
- The Continuous Production of Fans of Cards At The Finger Tips
- The Old Back-Palm Again
- Some Very Effective Moves With Six Cards
- Passing a Fan of Cards from Hand to Hand
- No Thumb Back Palm
- Expert Card Fan
- Reverse Fan-All White
- Cover for the Pass
- The Front-Palm Single Card Production
- Double Card Lift
- Sucker Card Change
- The Easy Card Shift
- The Perfect Shift
- The Deliberate Shift
- The New False Count Principle
- Guessing the Number of Cards by Weight
- A 26 Card Mystery
- A New Wrinkle on the Five Card Trick
- The Six Card Repeat Mystery
- The Card Miracle
- The Four Aces
- Vanishing Pack of Cards
- Manipulative Billiard Ball
- The Migratory Coins
- The Expert Acquitment with Cards
- Top Notch Vanish
- Spectre Vanish
- The Startler Vanish
- The Wand er er
- Natural Drop
- Believe It or Not Vanish
- Fadeaway - A One Hand Vanish
- Surprise Vanish
- The Super-Lift
- Speedex Vanish
- The Laets Steal
- Smpl Drop
- The Reverso Match
- The Miracle Move
- The One Hand Shuffle
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