Author/Originator: Michel Potts
Product ID: e511
PDF Price: $8.00
As with his past three releases, Michel Potts weaves compelling storylines with clever magic to thoroughly engage and hold his audience's attention and then, fool them badly. As a professional magician working the pubs in Bangkok, anything less can spell disaster. In this, Michel's fourth release, which has been called his most ambitious to date, Michel offers more of his trademark card work along with forays into mentalism and fortune-telling. Strong commercial material that is easy to do. What's more, many of the real world ideas and methods he brings to light can easily be adapted to virtually any style of presentation. 47 pages.
Learn someone's birth date, birth stone, birth card, numerological number and the color of his aura in this mentalism/psychic effect where the methods do not depend on impression pads, center tears, pumping, progressive anagrams, pre-show or gimmicks. The effects are completely self-working, and every revelation can be verified on the Internet.
A hands-off, self-working, non-card routine in which five spectators each think of a domestic or imported beer. Based on any one of the spectators' five senses, the performer effortlessly reads their minds and correctly names what beer they're each thinking of. Khun Michel has also created a second, completely different version that is perfect for couples.
In this completely self-working miracle, a spectator selects a card and returns it to the deck totally out of the sight of the performer before he thoroughly shuffles the cards. After all that, the performer, without touching the deck, or even looking at it, can immediately name the spectator's card. This diabolical effect comes in two virtually impromptu versions that can be performed with any deck, anywhere, at any time.
A potpourri of four items featuring two false cuts designed for stacked or memorized decks, a third and even more mystifying version of "Totally Screwed", and an offbeat mentalism script for revealing a spectator's thought of card.
A spectator shuffles the deck. He mentally thinks of a card. He deals the cards face up, one at a time. When the impulse strikes him, he stops dealing and sets one card aside face down. He continues dealing through the cards until the deck is exhausted. His mentally thought of card is nowhere to be found. The previously set aside card is turned over and…….you can guess the rest.
Using a shuffled deck, the performer and a spectator each mentally think of a card. The spectator uses every ounce of his intuition to freely cut the deck and sets aside the card he cut to. The performer does the same. The performer and the spectator then turn over their cards only to discover they have cut to each other's thought of card.
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