Modern Illusions

EpiCard Triple Prediction

Product ID: e76

PDF Price: $5.00
(or just $3.50 when you buy 3 or more titles)


Predict virtually anything! Mental Epic is a tremendously powerful and versatile effect and one which belongs in the repertoire of EVERY magician and mentalist. The problem most contemporary performers have with it, is simply the use of a gimmicky-looking slate! It looks like a magic prop and who uses a hand held slate anymore, anyway? Well now you can do Hen Fetsch's Mental Epic WITHOUT THE SLATE. What's more, when you're finished with the effect, you'll even be able to leave your audience with a powerful reminder of the miracle they just witnessed - by giving them your predictions to keep. Predictions that just happen to have your advertising imprint on them. Imagine the word of mouth advertising and increased show bookings you will generate! Here's the effect in a nutshell. You begin by introducing a set of three numbered, two-piece cards. On one part of the perforated card you write your prediction, which is put in an envelope and then placed in full view in a wine or other glass for all to see. Next, a spectator is asked to name any famous person living or dead. The spectator's choice is written down and placed next to your prediction. This procedure is repeated three times - until the spectators have selected a famous person, a city and a playing card. Without any false moves, the cards are removed from the glasses and handed to one or more spectators. One by one, your predictions are shown to match the choices made by the spectators! ALL may now be examined.

As with the classic Mental Epic, you can use the EpiCard Triple Prediction to PREDICT VIRTUALLY ANYTHING - names of people, places or things; numbers of all kinds, including credit card numbers, serial numbers from dollar bills, phone numbers, dates, etc.; colors; you name it! The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Best of all, there are absolutely no sleights, no carbons or image transfers, no gaffed envelopes, no mirrors, no palming, no extra cards to get rid of at the end, no gimmicked pens or markers, and you end COMPLETELY CLEAN. The handling is downright easy, yet the effect offers you maximum audience impact. Plus, EpiCard fits in your pocket, so you'll be ready to perform this mental miracle anytime, anyplace. It's perfect for private parties, banquets, comedy clubs, meetings, etc. EpiCard is already being performed by mentalists around the world. Isn't it time you added it to your own program?

Our 15-page PDF includes Do-It-Yourself (DIY) EpiCard artwork, so you can easily make up your own EpiCards using your desktop printer.


"EpiCard, a very clean triple prediction on the lines of the old classic Mental Epic (but without the dodgy looking blackboard). Very good, and 100% practical too."

- Mr Duncan Trillo,

"The quality of the products is superb. I've just purchased EpiCard, and the whole piece is well-written, clear, details, with superb graphics and templates for the 'DIY Prop' construction section."

- Mr Bruce Graham, UK

"Thanks for the exemplary description of a modern form of the Epic Slate, and even there is the addition of the DIY Epicard! Wunderbar, as we say it in Germany. I do like that system very much!"

- Mr Reinhard Mueller, Inner Circle Magician, Magic Scholar and Author, Germany

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