Edward G. Brown's
Cups and Balls Routine
Author/Originator: Edward G. Brown
Product ID: e961
PDF Price: $3.00
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In this 13-page PDF, Fabian expertly breaks down the Cups & Balls Routine of the legendary English sleight of hand artist, Edward G. Brown. Written with the experienced magician in mind, Fabian gives you Brown's four-phase routine where after the balls repeatedly appear, vanish, move, and then assemble underneath one cup, an orange appears under each. It should be noted, that while this manuscript does an excellent job of detailing Brown's masterful handling and misdirection, it does assume some knowledge of basic Cups & Balls technique. Re-typeset, 13 pages with 12 diagrams.
Also available...Edward Brown's Three Guesses (Everywhere & Nowhere), Wandering Card from Willane's "Methods for Miracles" series.
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