Intuitional Sight

Intuitional Sight

Author/Originator: Eddie Joseph
Product ID: e221

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When it comes to blindfolds, Eddie Joseph's "Intuitional Sight" remains in a class by itself. No other sealed vision or x-ray eye approach even comes close. In this original manuscript, written by Eddie Joseph while he was still in Calcutta, India, he reveals everything you need to know to make this incredible feat your own - from the set-up and handling to a presentation that will leave your audiences literally dumbfounded!

Here is how it looks to your audience (in Eddie Joseph's own words)...

For a moment I want you to forget that you are a magician waiting to probe into the depth of "Intuitional Sight"; try to visualise my description from the audience's standpoint. Imagine the demonstrator of "Intuitional Sight" holding the stage. Two assistants from the audience are invited up to incapacitate his eyesight. You are one of the two assistants. A fairly good quantity of flour is poured into a pudding basin-the demonstrator kneads it into paste or dough. You place the plaster over his eyes and press into position. A large pad of cotton is then placed over the paste followed by 20 feet of surgical bandage. As if this is not enough - two large opaque handkerchiefs are next utilized to cover the entire face of the demonstrator. From all appearances, he has as much chance to use his eyes as a plate of ice cream has in Hades. Despite your efforts at bandaging - the demonstrator goes through a series of tests as if he still has use of his normal vision. Let us assume further that you are one in 3000 who knows something about a blindfold - but what of the thick plaster? Even if you are so courageous as to imagine that the plaster is no hindrance - then you get properly stumped when you consider the two handkerchiefs covering his entire face. No! you will have to give up - it's no use.

Let me appease your curiosity. The demonstrator is really and truly deprived of his eyesight. He actually cannot see when you finish with him YET the blindfold is under his entire control. He sees when he wishes - he recedes to total darkness at his pleasure. No amount of examination on your part will suggest a clue - because there is simply no clue to be had. In "Intuitional Sight" I am offering you something very exclusive and you will appreciate it as such after your first performance - their reaction will provide you with ample proof. Completely re-typeset, 17 pages.

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