Thought Wings Onward
Author/Originator: Eddie Clever
Product ID: e409
PDF Price: $4.00
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Long out of print and virtually unobtainable for decades! "Thought Wings Onward: Mental Magic for Magicians" was the first book and only major mentalism book written by the brilliant magician and mentalist, Eddie Clever, who was also a long-time contributor to The JINX, Sphinx, Linking Ring, Genii and Tops.
This re-typeset 136-page volume is a complete reprint of Eddie Clever's 1945 2nd Edition. The first part takes the reader through the evolution of magic and mentalism from the earliest times to the modern day and explains why people want to believe in ESP, along with advice on routining and presentation, patter and ethics. This includes an informative chapter on presentation by Herman Weber (Namreh). The second part of "Thought Wings Onward" is dedicated to the performance of mental magic and begins with an outline of "The Mentalist's Kit" - a complete list of standard properties and equipment necessary to the successful performance of many mental problems. You'll also find a rich assortment of truly mind-boggling mental card mysteries based upon subtle methods, plus effects with slates, pellets, book tests, figures and more. There's even a section on two-person card effects, as well as Eddie Clever's own One-Man Mindreading (Q & A) Act, plus Mahendra's Impromptu Mindreading method, as well as lists of additional code and system resources (many available from Trickshop.com) as well as other reference material. Top quality new Trickshop.com edition.
New available...Clever and Thompson Manuscripts (1 - 5)
We've had a number of requests for this already, so for your convenience, here are links to many of the mentalism publications referenced in Eddie Clever's "THOUGHT WINGS ONWARD"...
Sh-h-h It’s a Secret - Ted Annemann
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks - Hugard and Crimmins
Seven Keys to Baldpate (Trickshop.com - improved method eliminates change bag - no suspicious properties) and Book without a Name - Ted Annemann
and (Annemann's original method)
World’s Greatest Mental Tests - Burling Hull (Annemann's Fourth Dimensional Telepathy)
Mental Masterpiece (Annemann's Impression Card Case - this manuscript includes Annemann's original method plus how to prepare new Bicycle card cases)
En Rapport - Ted Annemann
Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine - Ted Annemann
The Modern Mindreader (Hewitt and Annemann)
Calostro One Man Mind Reading Secrets (Ralph Read)
The Calostro Mind Reading Act
50 Sealed Message Reading Acts (Methods)
Sensational Effects - Bob Nelson (Condensed version of Paul Kara's $100 method covering both written and unwritten methods, as well as how to answer questions never brought to the theatre, questions sealed in tin cans or other containers, etc.
Contact Mindreading Expanded - Dariel Fitzkee
You'd Be Surprised
Practical Hypnotism - Ed Wolff
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