Dr. Q - Alexander Bundle

Dr. Q - Alexander Bundle

Author/Originator: Alexander (Claude Alexander Conlin)
Product ID: e579

5-PDF Bundle Price: Just $9.50


Dr Q MysteriesHE WAS "THE MAN WHO KNOWS!" Few mentalists attained greater celebrity in the early part of the last century than Alexander, an old school crystal gazer who also captured the imaginations of magicians with incredible tales about the exploits and methods of the mysterious Dr. Q. This money-saving five-ebook collection includes Alexander's big Dr. Q book as well as a number of sought-after Dr. Q manuscripts (authored by Bill Larsen for Thayer's Magic).

Here's what you get...

Alexander Crystal Gazing and Mind Reading Manuscripts
Several of Alexander's most sought-after manuscripts, including the inner working of his own Crystal Gazing Act (three methods, two use merely cards and envelopes, or folded billets). Plus, Thought Projection, The Master Secret of the Swami, and the Want Ad Test.

The Life and Mysteries of the Celebrated Dr. Q
One of the most remarkable mentalism books ever published. 174 pages, profusely illustrated.

Dr. Q Simplicity Mindreading Act
The almost legendary reputation of Dr. Q, as a mindreader was not so much based on trickery as on rather obscure psychological and scientific techniques which the good Doctor utilized with great mastery.

Dr. Q's Hypnotic Act
Used by many top pros over the years, this outstanding pseudo hypnotic act utilizes cold cueing to encourage subjects on stage to follow your commands without genuine hypnosis.

Dr. Q's Sight Unseen
In addition to explaining the right way to seal the eyes with tapes, half dollars and the blindfold; Dr. Q gives you his complete presentation, including spectator management, patter, techniques and subtleties that elevate this effect from an intriguing stunt into the miracle class.

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