Author/Originator: Dr. Stanley Jaks
Product ID: e471
PDF Price: $4.00
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Here's the original catalog description: A sheet is torn off a pad of paper and given to a spectator to write thereon with a pencil, a number, name, date, place, or design, anything he wishes. This is placed writing side down in between the pages of the pad. Two strips of scotch tape are attached to the ends of the paper protruding from the pad. This is carried up and fastened to the mentalist's forehead. (Direct mind reading!) The pad is withdrawn leaving the paper in full view stuck to his forehead. No possible chance that he could have seen what was written. But taking the pad, he writes a number, name, date, place, or design, and when a spectator removes the paper from the mentalist's forehead it is seen to have on it the exact same thing as the mentalist has depicted on his paper! No skill, no sleights, it's pure mindreading! We supply new step-by-step, illustrated instructions, you supply the inexpensive materials. 6 pages.
Also available...The Mysteries of Dr. Jaks and The Dr. Jaks Close-up Magic Lecture - Who is that Dr. JAKS?
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