Pretty Sneaky
Author/Originator: Don Alan
Product ID: e854
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Pretty Sneaky, Don Alan's second book, was first published in 1956. It offers over two dozen close-up effects, gags, and laugh-getters for the magical entertainer. Trick highlights include a Darker Shade of Malini, his three-phase MacDonald Four Ace Routine (It Can't Be...), his Bowl or Cup Loading method, Flaming Han Ping Chien (Alan's presentation for the classic effect), Ashes, Wot Hoppened (two card transpo), Card on Wall (or Ceiling, different version than his first book), and much more. There are also a number of clever presentations and twists for standard effects, like the stack of quarters, folding coin, linking safety pins, the blank deck, his hilarious mechanical card duck routine, and more. As a special bonus, we've also included Don Alan's instructions for his signature Chop Cup routine including his patter, as published in the 1950s. 44 pages, re-typeset, illustrated.
Also see, Don Alan's first book, "Close-Up Time."
Don Alan performing the Chop Cup (his Chop Cup routine is included in the above edition of "Pretty Sneaky.") In this television appearance, he also performs the Devano Rising Cards.
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