Wayne Dobson – The Definitive Collection
Author/Originator: Wayne Dobson
Product ID: e879
PDF Price: $18.63
"Wayne Dobson – The Definitive Collection," first published in 2014, contains every magic effect he published up to 2011! Immerse yourself in 432 pages of conjuring gold, where the magic unfolds page by page. Explore one hundred incredible tricks with cards, coins, business cards, rings, and other easily acquired everyday objects. These are the same tricks that helped catapult Wayne to stardom, establishing him as one of the UK's most popular stage, cabaret, and TV magicians; so, we're sure you'll find several effects you'll want to incorporate into your own shows. Wayne has a unique gift for blending both powerful and entertaining presentations with simple and direct methods that are a delight to perform - making this material of real value to the working performer. But that's not all! Wayne also shares his wealth of knowledge in chapters covering stagecraft, management, consulting, and TV appearances, and even throws in some ideas for illusions. Finally, throughout the book, you'll be treated to press clippings and photos, tales of Wayne's travels, more on his life story, and some humorous anecdotes. Foreword by Derren Brown.
A quote from the book...
"I met Wayne about 15 years ago at a lecture he was giving. I remember it like it was yesterday. He opened with the Tossed Out Deck and he fooled me badly. Now don’t get me wrong, I knew how the standard Tossed Out Deck worked but Wayne added something to the presentation that caught me off guard. It was this little subtlety that totally threw me and I honestly believed he was using a different method. When Wayne explained the structure of the routine I learnt a very important lesson, maybe the most important lesson. And that is, it’s not always what you do but the way you do it. I feel because of watching Wayne perform the Tossed Out Deck I have learnt the importance of structure and building impact. This is something that has been very handy in my day to day life as a magic dealer, consultant and creator and for that I will always feel indebted to Wayne." - Peter Nardi, Founder of Alakazam Magic
100 Incredible Wayne Dobson Effects!
- 52 Shades of Gray
- Anniversary Tango
- Coinflux 2
- Conjurer’s Choice
- Continuous Do As I Do
- Every Time
- Fluke
- Guesstimation
- Imagine
- Jack In The Box
- Locked
- Lucky Dip
- Magic Spell
- Missing Think
- Perspiration
- Point Blank
- Possessions
- Rainbow
- Ringflash 2
- Sealed
- Some You Win
- Some You Lose
- Startling
- Sweet
- Switch
- Tax
- The Winning Hand
- Unique Prediction
- Vision
- Webmaster
- Word
- X-Change
- Best Friends
- Birthday Card
- Card Trick
- Cash Back
- Compatibility
- Lucky Card
- McDobson’s Aces
- On The Button
- Out of My Hands
- Perfect Order
- Second Chance
- Sharpie
- Signature Trick
- The (Blank) Trick
- On The Case
- Room Service
- Chews A Gum
- Clear Escape
- Cut and Restored Microphone Wire
- Vanishing Glass
- Violin
- Vanishing Radio
- ACAAN...Almost!
- Duplicate
- Identity
- Invisible Lie Detector
- Lucky Numbers
- Spell Check
- Think As I Think
- Wayneman
- 4seen
- Five Card Repeat
- An Englishman In New York
- Banana-Drama
- Bottle Opener
- Chews A Card
- Echo
- Hanky Poo
- Invisible Deck
- Invisible 2
- Nailed
- Oddball
- Ping & Pong
- Sam Shovel: The Case of the Missing Diamonds
- Silk In Cigarette Pack
- The Crying Game
- The Kid’s A Magician
- The Unnamed Card
- Tossed Out Deck
- White Lies
- Zipperred
- He Who Spelt It, Dealt It
- Amnesia
- Chameleon Deck
- I’ve Got Your Number
- Luma
- Man Eaters
- Mental All Backs
- No Joke
- Only Joking
- Open
- Scorched
- Stunning
- Synchronicity
- White Poker
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