Do That Again
Author/Originator: Robert Parrish/Oscar Weigle, Jr.
Product ID: e200
PDF Price: $4.00
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On the heels of his success with "You'd Be Surprised," the book Robert Parrish co-authored with John Goodrum; he teamed up with another innovative magician and one of the most brilliant cardmen of all time...Oscar Weigle, Jr. The result is a book that not only contains an array of superb card magic, including "Thought on the Line," "Remote Reverso," "Duo Prediction," "The Impromptu Fifteen Card Trick, "The Triple Enigma," and Weigle's four effect "Challenge Blindfold Card Routine." Plus, several outstanding mentalism predictions, beautiful silk productions, and even a number of practical rope effects. Each chapter concludes with a complete routine using the effects covered. Completely re-typeset with high resolution Nelson Hahne illustrations. 86 big pages! A tremendous value!
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