Dizzy Dollar - Eleven Bill Trick

Dizzy Dollar

Author/Originator: Gene Gordon
Product ID: e864

PDF Price: $4.00 (or $2.80 when you buy one more item)


Gene Gordon's wonderfully entertaining money counting routine based upon Edward Victor's Eleven Card Trick. The magician offers to demonstrate the Mystery of the Eleventh Dollar. To do this, a spectator comes up on stage and counts eleven dollars into the magician's hand. However, when the magician checks the money, he shows that he's a dollar short. The magician asks for another dollar so he can do the trick. The spectator obliges, however when the magician counts the money again, he still has only ten dollars. To prove he's not cheating, the magician lets the spectator count the bills and he confirms there really are just ten dollars. Since addition hasn't worked thus far, the magician decides to try a different approach...subtraction. He has the spectator hand him three bills and he then gives two dollars back, so he will finally have the eleven he needs for the trick. However, this time when the magician counts the money, he finds he still has thirteen dollars! This is repeated until the magician finally has the eleven dollars he needs, at which point he lets the spectator count the bills into his hands - revealing there are just ten again! For the climax, the spectator removes an envelope from his pocket. It contains an index card with the serial number he copied from the eleventh bill at the beginning of the trick. Not only is the card in the envelope, but so is the elusive bill with the matching serial number! Gordon first released this now hard-to-find gem in 1958. We supply updated instructions, re-typeset and reformatted, with new photo illustrations. Everything is clearly explained along with Gordon's patter. The routine is not difficult to master and it's a surefire hit with audiences! 8 pages.

Also see Fred Kaps' 11-Bill Trick.

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