Wallace Lee - Cryptesthesia - Three Article Test


Author/Originator: Wallace Lee
Product ID: e614

PDF Price: $4.00
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Wallace the Magician's early manuscript on the three article test, CRYPTESTHESIA - an effect he called "The World's Greatest Pseudo-Divination Trick." Three everyday objects, such as a ring, watch and button, are each concealed by a different spectator in their pocket while the performer's back is turned. When the performer turns back, he looks each person in the eye and names the object chosen. If you have our "Three Article Test" manuscript, the basic handling is similar to Louis Lam's in that publication, but with a couple of nice subtleties designed to throw the spectator off the scent. 6 pages, re-typeset.

Also available, Wallace Lee's Fakerithmetic and Psycho-Projecto.

To go beyond the basics, see...The Three Article Test (Louis Lam, Eddie Joseph and Gene "Phantini" Grant) and Jack Miller's The Boxes of Chang. Also available...Bob Hummer's Mathematical Three Card Monte.

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