Counterfeit Card Miracles Plus
Author/Originator: U.F. Grant
Product ID: e741
PDF Price: $4.00
(or just $2.80 when you buy 3 or more titles)
When it was first released in the 1930s, U.F. Grant's Counterfeit Card Miracles with just four tricks sold for $5 a copy - that's over $75 in today's dollars! What's more, Grant's initial print run quickly sold out at that price! Sometime later with Grant's permission, Burling Hull put out another manuscript with all of the original Grant effects and a few more tossed in for good measure. In this new Trickshop release, we've combined and edited (for clarity) the original Grant manuscript along with Hull's later expanded edition. The clever, nearly self-working U.F. Grant effects include: SURE LOCATOR CARD TRICK, "YOU BITE, CARD TRICK, SPELLINO WITH THE FOLLOW-UP including Herbert Richmond's excellent patter and presentation which really "sell" this trick, SPELLING CLIMAX which lets you spell out cards from a borrowed, shuffled deck using a brilliantly deceptive subtlety, THE MIDNITE MARVEL, A PECULIAR COINCIDENCE which offers a well-disguised two-deck You As I Do method, and THE MAGIC THRUST where a lady from the audience aids in finding a selected card. 16 pages with bonus material (see below).
Plus a very special bonus effect...
Reveal information about anyone you couldn't possibly know using just a deck of cards, even a borrowed one! Tell people their ages, how many brothers, sisters, or children they have. Whom they are expecting a message from, the month of their birth, the year something important happened in their lives and other interesting facts. You can work this five minutes after reading the instructions, without study or practice. No special deck or pre-arrangement. No mathematics or number stunts. Nothing is written. No whispering or anything. Just any deck of cards. It sounds like a Miracle and that is just how it appears. This extremely rare U.F. Grant manuscript is included FREE with our Counterfeit Card Miracles Plus manuscript!
NOTE: This title is also included in The U.F. Grant File that puts over two dozen sought-after Grant pamphlets and manuscripts at your fingertips.
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