Cool Poker Tricks & Demos
Give the impression you're a highly skilled card mechanic with one of our cool poker demos, which are actually easy to do! Or, master the real sleights, moves, and techniques with "The Expert at the Card Table" by S.W. Erdnase along other high quality instructional publications. And be sure to check out our money-saving Devious Poker Demos (7-PDF Bundle) below.

Devious Poker Demos Bundle $9.50 PDF Bundle
Best pseudo poker dealing demonstrations - from Stuart Robson's brilliant Beats All Poker Deal to Dai Vernon's outstanding demo. Most rely on clever stacks and other artful dodges...

Stuart Robson's Beats All Poker Deal $4.00 PDF
Best Poker Deal EVER? Quite possibly! Some great poker deals have been developed over the years; however almost all have one major drawback - they utilize a pre-arranged pack that requires a set number of hands be dealt...

Vernon $20 Manuscript $4.00 PDF
First published in 1932 by Dai Vernon and Faucett Ross under the title, "Ten Card Problems," it became known as "The $20 Manuscript." It was later published under the title, $25 Dee-Vee Manuscript. It was perhaps the most sought after card magic manuscript...

I Wouldn't Like to Play Cards with You! $4.00 PDF
Deal yourself one great hand after another and convince your audience in no uncertain terms that you are a dangerous person with a deck of cards as one mind-boggling effect smoothly flows into the next and there's not a single difficult sleight...

Erdnase - The Expert at the Card Table $5.00 PDF
Of the thousands of books written on card manipulation in the last century, few works are more important or highly regarded than The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase (E.S. Andrews). As a result, this treatise is a must-read for anyone...

The Phantom of the Card Table $4.00 PDF
The story, as first described in print by Max Holden in "The Sphinx," has become part of magic lore. It relates how a gambler, Walter Irving Scott, completely fooled a gathering of magicians at Al Baker's home in New York - a group that included several...

The Card Expert $4.00 PDF
An unabashed sleight of hand card man and Erdnase devotee, Lynn Searles is perhaps best remembered for Cannibal Cards and his contributions to Karl Fulves' "Pallbearers Review." That's why he dedicated his first book to...

Lessons in Dishonesty $4.00 PDF
Laurie Ireland's classic treatise on the theory and practice of the nefarious art of bottom dealing, second dealing, and the false count. Also that excellent demonstration test of dealing the four aces from the center of the deck...

The Other Man's Game $4.00 PDF
One of the most successful lecture and Poker demonstrations of all time...Edwin Brush's "The Other Man's Game." Brush was one of the most successful and highly paid Lyceum and Chautauqua magicians of the last century, and this is the lecture he gave on...

The Gambler's Paradise $4.00 PDF
This terrific Joseph Ovette compilation covers five different sure-fire poker dealing demonstrations with a range of impressive outcomes. Plus, there's even one you can do with a borrowed pack...

The Gambler’s Exposé Act $4.00 PDF
Grant's brilliant ten-minute routine offers a six-part demonstration of how the gambler cheats. Great for close-up or club work. In this act no sleights are required. Still you apparently deal bottoms, seconds, and winning hands, cut to the aces...

Knave - Improved Three Jack Deal $4.00 PDF
Prove to your audience that you're a dangerous man (or woman) with a deck of cards by repeatedly dealing three jacks into the same hand. To your audience, it looks like an undetectable Second Deal. You then move onto dealing...

How Gamblers Win $4.00 PDF
This hard-to-find, early Eddie Joseph manuscript features a series of novel, gambling type effects that can be performed either individually or as a routine. In addition to Joseph's own Sensational Poker Demonstration, there is a Second Dealing...

The Card Detective's Perfect Poker Deal $4.00 PDF
Prominent card man and gambling expert Mickey MacDougall's own "Perfect Poker Deal." No deck switches, no false shuffles or cuts. In fact, there are no sleights whatsoever. From a riffle shuffled deck, you openly remove...

Osborne Poker Demonstration $3.00 PDF
Osborne combines the simpler easy-to-work bits of stacking and dealing into a workable and entertaining routine that will not require a ten-year study of Erdnase...
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