Conjuring with Christopher
Author/Originator: Milbourne Christopher
Product ID: e349
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60 superb feats of suave sorcery with cards, coins, ropes, cigarettes, rings, thimbles and more - many right out of Christopher's own act; all audience tested and direct. Whether you're looking for close-up, impromptu, platform or stage magic, you'll find a choice selection here. There are a dozen feats with coins and bills, 10 feats of rope wizardry, 10 card tricks, 9 gems of mental magic and 13 fine stage tricks. Introduction by Jean Hugard, originally published by Max Holden.
Some of the highlights include:
RING AWAY - A borrowed solid, flex band watch is knotted on a rope and the ends held by a spectator. You place a silk over it and remove the watch in an instant!
UNEASY ACES - An easy to perform transposition of the red and black aces reminiscent of The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daley.
ACES TO DOLLARS - The four aces visually transform into real dollars!
ACROBATIC CIGARETTE - A borrowed cigarette slowly rises up and stands on end, before continuing back down. All may be passed out for examination.
HAND TO HAND - An amazing, yet easy to do double transposition with borrowed nickels and quarters.
THE ACTION TEST - Six spectators write down different actions they want you to perform. A spectator selects one and you are able to read the spectator's thoughts and correctly perform the action described. One of the most talked about effects in Christopher's wartime act.
PROGNOSTICATION - A brilliant and direct prediction method for sports games, championship fights, elections, etc.
And more!
Top quality, true print-on-demand quality, edition. 94 big pages with new typesetting and layout for 8.5 x 11 or A4 output.
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