Color Changing Deck
Author/Originator: Paul Curry/Oscar Weigle Jr
Product ID: e43
PDF Price: $4.00
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The Color Changing Deck is a classic of card magic. Here's the effect. A red backed deck is removed from its case. After the backs and fronts of the cards are shown, a spectator freely selects a card by touching its face. While the spectator's card is out of the deck, you proceed to change the back color of all of the other cards in the deck from red to blue. Seemingly, only the spectator's card; which was not in the deck, is still red. After a few moments, you remember that there was one other card outside the deck - the Joker you removed and pocketed at the beginning of the trick. You bring out and show the red Joker and then, change its back color to blue. For the startling finish, the spectator himself changes the back color of his freely selected card - a card that has been in his possession - from red to blue. Now get end completely clean with a full, 52-card deck that may be used for additional card miracles.
Our publication is based upon the popular Curry/Weigle handling of Charles T. Jordan's classic effect. There are no difficult moves - just the easy Hindu shuffle and one other move. Large crystal clear color photos and concise explanations walk you step-by-step through this stunning, yet easy-to-perform routine. If you do close-up or card magic, this one belongs in your repertoire! 9 pages.
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