Coe Norton Lecture Notes

Coe Norton Lecture Notes

Author/Originator: Coe Norton
Product ID: e865

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Coe Norton as Mandrake the MagicianCoe Norton had a long and successful career as a professional actor and magician. As an actor, he performed on Broadway and also made hundreds of TV appearances, including starring as "Mandrake the Magician" in the 1950s TV series (pictured right, see TV pilot below). Always active on the New York magic scene, he served as president of the famed Magicians' Guild, and performed magic at trade shows, on cruise ships, as well as at numerous conventions with his wife, Laura Lee, who was an accomplished actress in her own right. In these lecture notes, Norton details his "impromptu" Cigarette Routine with an easy-to-make cigarette gimmick, his complete Cut & Restored Rope Routine, the method for his Impossible Serpent Silk (which can be examined before and after, and no reel is required), three brief stand-up routines with unfaked coins, a multi-phase Sponge Ball and Bowl Routine, magic with canes and silks, and more. 13 pages, re-typeset, illustrated.

Coe Norton in the 1954 TV pilot for Mandrake the Magician (running time: approx. 26 minutes).

Coe Norton 1960s Charmin bath tissue commercial.

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