Close Up Lecture Extension Notes - Joe Riding

Close Up Lecture Extension Notes

Author/Originator: Joe Riding
Product ID: e935

PDF Price: $4.00
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In this extended set of Lecture Notes, Joe Riding explains how to make your card magic more entertaining and deceptive by extending the ending of a card trick and hitting the audience once, twice, three times or even more with additional surprises. He also reveals why this is easier to do than you think, since there is a natural misdirection that occurs when the audience thinks they have seen a trick's climax. In addition to fully explaining how this process works, he details his handling for nine terrific card effects - both classics and original material - that utilize this technique. Specifically, Triumph, Magical Sandwiches, Location Cut, Computer Card, Garcia Aces, Spell a Name, Two Change, the Bullet Trick and the Chicago Closer. All are well explained, but Riding does not explain various sleights, which he assumes are familiar to the intermediate to advanced card worker. 12 pages, re-typeset.

Also available...Joe Riding's Counting the Cards.

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