Close-up Deceptions - Kardyro

Close-up Deceptions

Author/Originator: Tony Kardyro
Product ID: e736

PDF Price: $4.00
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Long-time pro Tony Kardyro's first love was close-up and strolling magic, which helped him keep and extend his stand-up act bookings in nite clubs around the country. This booklet is packed with over two dozen of his pet effects with coins, playing cards, business cards, sponges, napkins, matches, etc. It's magic that's ideal for today's demanding conditions, since most effects require a minimum of table space, if any. Highlights include two clever mental effects with business cards that are worth many times the price of the booklet (A Mental Effect for the Card Man and Behind My Back), a series of "Pentro" effects with coins and a handkerchief, (I'll Do It Again) paper napkin balls thru table, several Okito box routines including one with a Chinatown half, a cleverly gimmicked Chink-a-Chink routine with paper matches (The Invisible Trip), and more. Plus, as a special bonus, we also included Tony Kardyro's Card Change Supreme manuscript - a powerful utility move you can acquire with very little practice that will let you change or switch one or more cards secretly, whether they are on the table, in your hand, or in a spread or fan of cards. 41 pages, re-typeset.

Also available...Routine Supreme, Your Deck - Your Card and Kardyro's Kard Konjuring.

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